Monday, 4 May 2009


Well i'm not a regular to blogging, i do tend to let a fair amount of time pass between blogs. The main reason for that is that i can't think of a huge amount to say because not a lot goes on day to day. Never the less, i fancy writing a little note so here goes.

Well the exam season is well and truly gathering momentum, my first exam isn't for a while yet. I have till the 13th (unlucky for some) to carry on revising before the first one and by the 21st it's all over. That will then hopefully be the end of my degree, which i'm really having mixed feelings about if i'm honest. I've loved my time at uni and wouldn't change any of it but at the same time i can't help but count down the time until i'm 'free' from it. I think it's mainly the fact that i'm looking forward to a brief gap of having nothing to do before i start plying my trade, i just hope i can find a job before my money runs out, which Commander Brown has tried very hard to stop me doing.

Swine flu is still cropping up here and there but i dont think it'll be that big really. Bird flu was supposed to cause a mass disaster and that fizzled out soon enough, this just seems to be the latest in a line of things the media are hyping up to sell papers. I'm not saying that it isn't dangerous if you have it, but chances are you won't.

Well now it's time for me to go once more to revise dear reader, thanks for browsing my trip into blogdom once more.

*End Transmission*

P.S. Tetradodoxin - poison from the puffer fish. Causes low blood pressure, paralysis and eventually death

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