Monday, 12 May 2008

The Last Few Days

Well the last few days have yet again been spent sat infront of this years lecture notes. Even after a hell of a lot of revision i still can't help but feel i'm about to immenently and spectacularly fail Physical Chemistry, after all this time some of the basic concepts of the module just can't stick in my head....which is a bit rubbish really. In other news, it's still sunny in treforest which is always nice, even though i have no time to enjoy the nice weather. I had the fright of my life earlier on today; reaching for a cup to make some tea i look inside the cup to check its clean and staring back at me, with it's 16 beady little eyes, was a spider....beautiful, i let out a rather manly scream.

Well back to the grindstone....

Allow me to leave you with this thought

ΔG = -nFE

*End Transmission*


Anonymous said...

Re: ΔG = -nFE

OXOΔ廣Δ = A-Bomb Lauch

"A-Bomb launch detected"

Ps the last three letters are LSD, how amusing

Benji said...

haha classic